Bullshit Detector was the name of a series of compilation LPs put together by the Anarcho-punk band Crass and released on their Crass Records label. Three editions were released between 1980 and 1984, consisting of demo tapes, rough recordings and artwork that had been sent to the band. The sound quality of the Bullshit Detector series was mixed, and was often very basic or poor as Crass would master the tapes directly to record without any additional production or enhancement. For Crass, the expectation of a polished performance was missing the point of the DIY punk ethic
Genre: Anarcho Punk
Year: 1982
01. waiting for bardot - voice of uk
02. omega tribe - nature wonder
03. suspects - random relations
04. your funeral - think about it
05. deformed - freedom
06. kronstadt uprising - receiver deceiver
07. no label - let's get it right
08. the rejected - same olf songs
09. boffo - garageland
10. Xs - fuck the system
11. polemic attack - manipulated youth
12. agardener - agardener's song
13. toxic - tradition of slaughter
14. 1984 - break up
15. anon - insert
16. toxic ephek - police brutality
17. sic - low
18. molitov cocktail - ain't got a clue
19. naked - mid 1930's Pre-War Germany
20. capitol punishment - we've realized the truth
21. anthrax - all the wars
22. endangered species - slaughter of the innocents
23. pseudo sadists - war games
24. total chaos - psycho analysis
25. dougie - war without winners
26. st. vitus dancers - the survivor
27. stegz - christus erection
28. metro youth - brutalised
29. normality complex - black market shadow
30. youth in asia - the power and the glory
31. riot squad - security system
32. destructors - agent orange
33. the pits - uk in dreamland
34. the bored - riot style
35. chumbawamba - three years later
36. passion killers - start again
37. amerikan arsenal - get off your ass
pass: hangover
1 comment:
Thanks so much for this!!
A warning for potential d/lers: on track is missing from the album :Theatre Comment by Toby Kettle, which is some sort of folk music I believe...
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