Ratos de Porão is a band of hardcore and thrash crossover band from Brazi, formed in 1981, during the explosion of the movement in Sao Paulo. With over twenty years of career experience, they are also recognized internationally, mainly in Europe.
Crucificados by System (Crucificados Pelo Sistema) is the first album of the bands, launched in 1984. Something major to note is that this album was the first album of hardcore Latin America.
Genre: Hardcore
Year: 1984
01. Morrer
02. Caos
03. Guerra Desumana
04. Agressão/Repressão
05. Obrigando a Obedecer
06. Asas da Vingança
07. Que Vergonha!
08. Poluição Atômica
09. Pobreza
10. F.M.I.
11. Só pensa em matar
12. Sistema de Protesto
13. Não me Importo
14. Periferia
15. Crucificados pelo Sistema
16. Corrupção
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