Frederic aka Freddic or hoses - singer and saxophonist of Pilseners of Aggronauts. Highly influenced by black music by groups i Oi! more politically comprometidos.Guifré aka il Cappo - Guitarist and main composer Pilseners and Els Membres. Highly influenced by all groups of music Oi! and you can imagine that you too, for the Soul, mod music, acid jazz, punk, the power-pop and more. Dani aka Prim - Bassist and of low toiletry Pilseners. Without a doubt the most impuntual uncle of the world but also a great person. In Desmond Dekker feels privileged to hold a pair of sunglasses from the best bajaista Oi! of Catalunya.Jordi aka Sinku - Guitarist of Pilseners and Moonrakers. The latest addition to the band but not so the worst. It was even rumored that weighs less than Dani Prim. Raül aka The Oi! de Catalunya. Raül is a versatile character. He plays with Pilseners, Option K-95 and Suburban Rebels.
All have things in common, Catalunya, the Oi!, Independence and his hatred of the PP.
Genre: Oi!
Year: 2004
01. Un cant a la senyera
02. Herois del nostre temps
03. Barcelona
04. Parla català
05. Temps de llibertat
06. Miserables
07. El despertar roig
08. Tenim un nom
09. La terra que volem
10. Pells roges
11. Nens del món
12. Perdut
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