Bored Youth were easily the most underrated band from the Detroit hardcore scene. They weren’t technically a thrash/hardcore band, but they had a real style of their own. Lyrically, they were in a league of their own and sang songs that really hit home about what life was like being a teenage punk in Detroit.-swindlemagazine-
This was to be an early Touch and Go EP, but the demo never made it to vinyl. Loud & simple HC in the vein of the early Touch and Go bands like Fix, Necros or Negative Approach.-FLEX-
Genre: Hardcore
Year: 1990
01. Warning
02. Sympathy
03. Bored Youth
04. Misfit
05. To Label is to Limit
06. They Don't Have the Right
07. Youth Culture
08. No Chance
09. Shock Value
10. Fight
11. Outcast
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