A startling documentary looking at the darker side of soccer, narrated by Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols.
Spanning the globe from the 1960s through to the present day, Hooligans & Thugs documents the gratuitous violence that occurs in the stands and around the stadiums of the world's most popular sport.
You will be amazed at the level of violence orchestrated by these fans as they battle each other and the police forces that attempt to control them and see first hand how these fans organize their violent clashes for maximum effect.
Hooligans & Thugs features action from games at the World and European Cups and games from all across Europe including England, Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic as well as a special South American segment focusing on Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.
The DVD also features a special Spanish language track and pounding electronic music from Pete Lorimer / 29 Palms (Perfecto Records).-amazon.com-
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2003
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